Friday, 04 March 2022

MP’s tiniest Apes tackling 22.1!


Option 1:


2:00 Row for calories

200m Run

1:00 Rest

2:00 Bike for calories

200m Run

1:00 Rest

2:00 Ski for calories

200m Run

1:00 Rest

3:00 Row for calories

300m Run

1:00 Rest

3:00 Bike for calories

300m Run

1:00 Rest

3:00 Ski for calories

300m Run


For time and max calories

(35:00 cap)


Option 2:

2022 CrossFit Games Open WOD 22.2*

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 rep rounds of:

Deadlifts (225/155)

Bar-facing burpees


For time

(10:00 cap)

*For movement standards and scaling/masters options click here


Option 3:

Practice movements, transitions, and strategies for CrossFit Games Open WOD 22.2

Practice options will be posted at the gym.



Post results and experiences to comments