Friday, 04 June 2010

Row 500m
12 Deadlifts (250/165)
21 Box Jumps (24/20)

3 rounds for time

Post time to comments
8 Responses
  1. Danny

    Melanie said…

    19:21/135 lb deadlift/17" box

    Great workout. Good job everyone! Have a great weekend! 🙂 🙂

  2. Michel

    Couldn't make it this morning but I did a double take. Susan, you do own shorts!! I stand corrected.
    This looks like a great WOD. Make up tomorrow. Have a great weekend everyone!! Danny, get well soon!!!

  3. Robert

    21:15 Rx–Great job Mel and Jana. I was racing to catch them (and did not). Nice time, Jimmy.

    Great work to all the bootcampers doin' Cindy.