Join us today, 03 March for a FREE drop in at any class time!
No experience needed.
Don’t forget to sign-up for Saturday’s Open WOD 23.3!
Option 1:
Complete as many reps as possible in 25-minutes of:
500m Row
40 Abmat sit-ups
30 Dumbbell squats (50/35)
1200m Bike
20 Double unders
10 Strict pull-ups
For score
Option 2:
2023 CrossFit Games Open WOD 23.3 Strategy and Practice
Will be explained and coached at gym
Option 3:
2023 CrossFit Games Open WOD 23.3
Starting with a 6-minute time cap, complete as many reps as possible of:
5 Wall-walks
50 Double unders
15 Snatches (95/65)
5 Wall-walks
50 Double unders
12 Snatches (135/95)
If completed before the 6-minute cap, add 3-minutes and complete:
20 Strict handstand push-ups
50 Double unders
9 Snatches (185/125)
If completed before the 9-minute cap, add 3-minutes and complete:
20 Strict handstand push-ups
50 Double unders
6 Snatches (225/155)
For time (score is not completed)
Post results and experiences to comments
Option 2
Ready as I’ll ever be
130 reps 2:42 tie break
I need to sell out more next time. In my mind I gave up on getting done with the first part under the 6:00 min cap because I was so close to 3:00 and didn’t realize that I had 36 more seconds to complete the second round.
If DU are ok on Monday I believe I will do better.
118 rx