General Warm-up:
Bike 3:00
10 Samsons
12 Hand-release push-ups
14 v-ups
14 Squats
12 Shoulder press w/T’s
10 Pull-ups
Row 2:00
10m Goblet lunges
10 Kettlebell swings
10m Goblet lunges
10 PVC passovers
10 PVC windmills
10 PVC overhead squats
“Raising the Bar”
30 Overhead Walking Lunges (35/25)
20 Slammers (12/8)
10 Thrusters (115/73)
20 Wall-Ball Push-ups
30/24 Calories Rowed
4 rounds for time
Compare to Friday, 08 March 2019
Right Side Straddle
Left Side Straddle
Middle Straddle
Reclined Spinal Twist
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