Friday, 01 November 2019



Option 1:

2011 CrossFit Games WOD Events 8, 9, and 10

“The End 3”

20 Calories Row

30 Wall-Ball Shots (20/14) @ (10/9′)

20 Toes-to-Bar

30 Box Jumps (24/20)

20 Sumo-Deadlift High-Pull (115/75)

30 Burpees

20 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)


For Time

Compare to Wednesday, 16 March 2016


(Games WOD calls for a 20m sled pull at the end, sled plus 385lbs. MP has no sleds; but if you have them, do the pull)

Part 1 is as many reps in 3 minutes, rest 1 minute

Part 2 is as many reps in 6 minutes, rest 1 minute

Part 3 is all reps for time


Option 2:

2020 CrossFit Games Open 20.4*

30 Box jumps (24/20”)

15 Clean and jerks (95/65)

30 Box jumps

15 Clean and jerks (135/85)

30 Box jumps

10 Clean and jerks (185/115)

30 Alternating Pistols

10 Clean and jerks (225/145)

30 Alternating Pistols

5 Clean and jerks (275/175)

30 Alternating Pistols

5 Clean and jerks (315/205)


For time

(20:00 cap)



Spine Smash

Anterior Compartment Smash

Quad Smash


Post reps from each part, time, and experiences to comments*

*This option is available for registered athletes that cannot make Saturday’s competition.