Friday, 01 May 2020

ATTENTION ALL!!  The Health Zone will be closed until an unspecified date due to the COVID-19 outbreak. MP will be closed until the HZ re-opens. Maintain your social distancing. At home WOD’s will be the daily post. As of now, the plan will be to gather at a designated spot on Saturday mornings for a group WOD for those interested. Some other random times and places may also be posted. Please check the website daily for more information.

A group will be meeting at Sarah’s gym at 1400 to perform a WOD similar to the posted WOD. Let Coach Jimmy know if you plan on joining!



Partner WOD*

2/4/6 Rope climbs*

40 Butterfly Abmat sit-ups

40 One-arm DB swings (50/35)

20 Clean to overhead (155/103)

20 DB goblet alternating lunges (50/35)


3 rounds for time

*Equal work required. Modify (14/28/42) pull-ups for rope climbs. Rope climbs are done 2 on round one (1 each partner), 4 round 2 (2 each), 6 round 3 (3 each).


At Home Version replaces Push-ups for the pull-up variation. Pick a moderately heavy object you can swing one handed. Pick a heavy odd object and do a clean to overhead with it. Use the item you did the swings with and use it for the lunges.


Royal Huddleston Burpee Challenge:

Day 89



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