Join MP to celebrate our Independence Day with a FREE WOD on Monday, July 4, 2022 at 0930!! This is the only class time.
Family and friends are welcome to join or cheer you on!
Partner WOD
Partner WOD, equal work required
With a 4-minute clock, perform…
800m* Row
Max burpees over the rower in remaining time
…Rest 2:00 then…
With a 4-minute clock, perform…
2000m** Bike
Max dumbbell snatches (50/35) in remaining time
…Rest 2:00 then…
With a 4-minute clock, perform…
600m Run
Max d-ball cleans (100/70) in remaining time
…Rest 2:00 then…
With a 4-minute clock, perform…
800m*** Ski
Max box overs (24/20″) in remaining time
For total reps
*MM pairs row 800m, MF row 700m, FF row 600m
**MM pairs bike 2000m, MF bike 1800m, FF bike 1600m
***MM pairs ski 800m, MF ski 700m, FF ski 600m
…Rest 6:00, then…
In 10-minutes, find max load of the following:
Snatch ⇒ 7 Overhead squats
Foe max load
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