Group meeting at Turkey Mountain Urban Wilderness for a 5K at 0800. No Barbell Class Saturday. 0900 class is normal.
3-person team WOD
30 GHD Sit-ups
30 Fat Bar Deadlifts (225/150)
50 Double Unders
50 Burpees
20 Overhead Squats (115/75)
20 Pull-ups
For Time
Instructions: This is a relay style WOD. Team member (TM) 1 performs 30 GHD, then moves to FBDL. At that point, TM 2 starts the GHD. 2 cannot move to FBDL until 1 is complete, and has moved DU’s. TM 3 starts when 2 has moved to the FBDL. Time is called when all 3 members are finished.
10 Sit-ups to Straddle
Right Side Straddle – 2:00
Left Side Straddle – 2:00
Middle Straddle – 2:00
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