Friday, 08 February 2013



“Fight Gone Erin”


5 Rounds of:


Handstand Push-Ups

Double Unders

Kettlebell Swings (1.5/1 pood)

Sit-up Slammers (12/8)


Each station is performed forĀ 1 minute, then you rotate to the next station and immediately begin that exercise. This continues until you have completed all 4 stations, 4 minutes total. At this point, you rest for 1 minute. No rest between stations. Repeat this process for 5 rounds. Each correctly performed rep is 1 point. Add up all rounds for total score.




Team Row

29 pulls per partner

2 rounds for max distance

(Teams can be 2-4 persons, 116 total pulls per rd)



Post score and distance rowed to comments