Wednesday, 05 September 2012

Reminder: The Health Zone Olympics Medal Ceremony is Wednesday at 1000, in the Health Zone lobby.

Part 1:

In 10 minutes find max load in:

Snatch to 5-rep Overhead Squat*


Clean to 5-rep Front Squat*


Rest 5 minutes


Part 2:

10 minute clock, complete as many rounds as possible of:

10 Burpees

20 Double Unders


Rest 5 minutes


Part 3:

10 minute clock, complete as many rounds as possible of:

Run 400m

Row 250m



Post weight from Part 1, rounds and reps from Part 2, and rounds and extra meters from Part 3 to comments


*Snatches and cleans need not be full squat. If you do, that can count as rep 1.