Saturday, 04 August 2012


We will be meeting at Turkey Mountain main parking lot at 0645 for trail run. Everyone is welcome to join.

“Ethan D”

4 mile trail run





With a continuous running clock, perform the following each minute. Adding 2 double unders and 1 burpee every minute until unable to complete within the minute.

2 Double Unders

1 Burpees

*E.G.-minute 1 is 2 DU and 1 burpee, minute 2 is 4 DU and 2 burpee, minute 3 is 6 DU and 3 burpees


Upon reaching the uncompleteable minute, rest 1 additional minute, and then perform:

4 Handstand Push-ups

10 GHD Sit-ups

4 rounds for time



Post last sucessful minute completed and time to comments

*Rest length is not specified. Rest up to one hour for full recovery.