Monday, 28 February 2011

For Time

21 Sit-ups (unanchored)
15 Box Jumps (24/20″)
9 Strict Pull-ups
15 Burpees
21 Calories rowed

3 rounds

Post time to comments

Compare to 27 DEC 10
13 Responses
  1. Jaime

    15:58 I can keep up with Jimmy if he has 20 extra pounds and I'm super modfied!! Had to do some mods to rest my shoulder
    abmat su
    20" box jump
    18 jumping squats
    45 double unders
    21 cal row

  2. MP Jimmy

    16:09 Rx, plus 20lb vest
    Abmat SU

    That was staight rough! Wearing a vest through this WOD is AWESOME!! :p

    Sorry for the late vest idea Robert! Atleast you got one round in. 🙂

    Congratz Erin on the PR! 🙂

  3. Stacy J

    PU's instead of burpees
    big ole band for pull ups
    finally able to do some semblance of a pull up that doesn't hurt the shoulder…yay for progress

  4. Brandy

    20:07. Goal was under 25:00. Plu 1.75" band

    Finally conquered my fear of the 20" box! Rhonda and I gave each other pep talks haha. great job tonight everyone!

  5. Michel

    17" Box Jumps – spent more time in RD 1 staring at the box than jumping. Box Jump Boogeyman.ARRRGGG!
    1" Band PLU
    AB BF SU