Wednesday, 09 February 2011

Finally, a jumprope holder!!

Stay at Home WOD 5

For Score

Max rep Push-ups in 1 minute
Max rep Sit-ups in 1 minute
Max rep Squats in 1 minute
Rest 3 minutes

3 rounds

Post total score to comments

7 Responses
  1. MP Jimmy

    Due to road conditions and inclement weather, the gym will be closed today. Dept. of Public Safety and Dept. of Transportation state roads are "slick and hazardous" and advise to stay of roads, unless absolutely necessary.

    Fitness is a necessity, but not at the cost of personal safety. The gym will be open tomorrow, regular hours. Sorry for any inconvenience.

  2. Stacy J

    pu 72
    su 82
    sq 100
    Total = 254
    I also found out that the Westies DO NOT like double unders in the house!! I almost got attacked!

  3. Danny

    52 burpees- 3:03
    Today's WOD:

    Total=332 rx'd

    Hannah said:

    Total=382 mod'd with knee pushups