For Score
Kettlebell Swings (1 pood/25lbs)
Box Jumps (20″)
Sots Press* (PVC Pipe)
Row (calories)
2 rounds
Perform as many reps at each station as possible in 45 seconds. Rest 30 seconds between exercises, and 1 minute between rounds.
Post score to comments
*see: for a Sots Press demo, “From the vault: Sots Press – video”.
Looks like an interesting WOD…can't wait!
Is anyone interested in doing the St John's Indoor Triathlon on Sat, Feb 18? 500 yard swim, 8 mile bike & 3 mile run. (Swim in your own lane in the pool, stationary bike & indoor track run.) If so, let me know!
Melanie said:
431, modified with 8" step ups instead of box jumps.
461 RX. Extra round was mentally/physically crushing. Great job everybody!
Total 450 modified
Kettlebell Swings (25lbs) 20+18+17=55
Pull-ups(1.5") 19+15+9=43
Squats 31+33+25=89
Sit-ups ua 22+22+23=67
Push-ups knee 20+19+14=53
Box Jumps 17" 10+13+11=34
Sots Press* (PVC Pipe) 20+25+32=77
Row kcal 10+11+11=32
2 rounds (expect the unexpected 3rd round!!)
I liked this WOD. Hope to see you at 0900 tomorrow!
448 Modified
Knee Ups
1" PLU
17" Box jumps
Knee PU
Great WOD and that third round…everyone was on fire! Good job!
KB 25# 17, 20, 17
PLU 1" band 20, 16, 13
SQ 41, 39, 34
Toes to Bar 10, 10, 10
PU: 25, 27,20
17"Box jump: 18, 19,16
stots: 42, 40, 37
Row: 8, 9, 8 🙁
January 14, 2011 9:29 AM
310 total rx( 22 lbs sots) I'm calling them sucks
only got 3 sucks on second round!!! Grrrr maybe shoulda done PVC to get the form down. :-/ o well
ps lesely I might actually be able to do the tri 🙂 good excuse to get back in the pool anyway right? 😉
411 rx used 1 pood kb and 22 lb sots press
Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy…
394 plu 1 inch, SU instead of knee to toe, 17" box, SUX pvc
I think it was Lesley who said it best…"You'll LOVE it when you leave!!!"
I'm in for the TRI!!! Let's get TEAM MPCF together!!! Thanks Lesley!
507 Mod
1" PLU, Sit-ups, Knee PU, 17" Box Jumps.
Lesley, I would do the Tri if I could swim :-/…There's a goal for 2011, right?
529 RX+
(45lb Sots)
Robert, I tried to get the 539, but came a little shy. 🙁
The Sots took some getting use to. They got better each rd. 🙂
Everyone did great! The facial expressions, when learning of the almighty 3rd rd, were AWESOME! 😀 I think Erin would have killed me, if she could, when I told her and Jaime. 🙂
Just keeping you on your toes! Speaking of toes, Carmen, they are "toes-to-bar" not "knee-to-toe". LOL
It sounded like we played the elementry "head, shoulder, knees and toes" game. 🙂 Thanks for the free smile!
I know…I'm a geek but good for FREE SMILES…
539 Double unders for PLU–my right elbow is dinged. 45 pound Sots
523 Rx… thought it was 603 but my math skills were a tad off… 😛
Count my Dad and I in on the Tri. Sounds awesome!
319, Rx. That was painful!
Glad we have some takers on the tri! We probably need to get signed up soon! They will assign us to heats of 5, so we might have to put in a request if we want to race together. Rhonda, plan on doing it next year! 🙂
388 rx
1 pood, 1" banded PLU, knee ups, and 20" box
17" box
Rx kbs
3" band plu
Knee Pu
Knee ups
PVC sots
536, almost caught up to Robert:)
Get the details at Wikipedia UK
Friday, 14 January 2011 — MP CrossFit