Saturday, 11 December 2010

Pick one lift, find 10 rep max:

Overhead Squat
Back Squat
Push Press

Post max load to comments


Choose a sport:
Run, Row, Bike, Swim

Run: 4 x 800m, rest 5 min
Row: 4 x 1000m, rest 5 min
Bike: 4 x 2 miles, rest 5 min
Swim: 4 x 100y/m, rest 5 min

Post total sprint time to comments
14 Responses
  1. Jaime

    155 deadlift X10. Lou had a cool 1 rep over 300. Had fun with everyone working on muscle-ups and various other fun stuff

  2. MP Jimmy

    302lbs 10-rep Deadlift

    Congratz to Lou on his 1-rep PR DL! Go Proton Man!! I second Jaime, had fun working on Gymnastic skills!

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Rhonda G

    Jingle Bell Run was a blast today!! So fun to see everyone from MPCF with their bells on!!

    I'm not sure what the official time was but Lisette and I averaged a 9:48 mile. Third mile was a 9:06. Not bad for the over 45 age group 😉 I'm MORE than pleased with that!

    Susan, welcome to the world of chip-timed races. The first of many, I hope! What a great morning!

  4. Rhonda G

    OMGoodness!! What an amazing man my hubby is! I'm so proud he surpassed that 300 lb goal. What will Proton Lou do next….!!

  5. Angela

    SO fun running with all the girls this morning! MPCF was represented very well!!

    Awesome times, Lisette & Rhonda! Susan, you rocked your first chip-timed 5k!! Mary Kate and Hannah did fantastic and Melanie & Lesley flew through the course!! The perfect way to spend a Saturday morning…with great friends! Thank you!

    Lou, WOW…way to go with the ridiculous deadlift weight!!

  6. Chris Hauger

    205lbs deadlift 10 rep.

    Due to a later conversation with my dad, I had no choice… haha
    185lbs. back squat 10 rep.

  7. Susan

    Jingle Bell 5k 34.54

    my first chip timed event. I must admit I had a great time. Thanks for all the encouragement.

    See ya Monday!

  8. Amber

    Did 10 overhead squats at 55. Form felt much better but hands were hurting from yesterday. Great job everyone and especially Lou.

  9. Danny

    Way to go Lou! Great job today ladies at the Jingle Bell Run! It was a blast. My WOD consisted of holding 3 race t-shirts, 3 coats, and a set of reindeer horns, while acting as raceday photographer, and not spilling a drop of my QT cappucino or losing my son! Lastly, congrats to Michel. Way to go!!! Great day to all!

  10. Angela

    Danny, you were fantastic and all the photos were great! Best race photographer/coat rack/dad ever! I think that is definitely a PR worthy of attention!

  11. Patrice

    chip time 34:06. I came in second out of 8 in my age division. It was fun, especially the breakfast afterwards. Good everyone!