Friday, 10 December 2010

“Sleep In”

Max rounds in 21 minutes of:

7 Dumbell Squat Cleans finish overhead (35/20)
7 Burpees
7 Pull-ups

Post number of completed rounds and any extras to comments
13 Responses
  1. Michel

    A Burpee Carol…

    The Ghost of Burpees Future pops in for a mid holiday season visit. Oh my – how do you spell 100 BURPEES UNBROKEN? J-I-M-M-Y. Sleep when you're done!
    MPCF…Expect the Unexpected.
    The End

  2. erin

    9 rds rx ( WARNING: wod is HARDER then appears!)
    Michele: I expect you to burpee, or walking lunges across that stage!! 🙂 Congrats girl!!! Proud of You!! 🙂

  3. MP Jimmy

    I love it Michel! To all the 0530's, I am truly sorry for the irresponsible act of over-sleeping.

    Thus, I named this WOD. The name has 2 meanings; first is my action, and second is that is what you should have done if you did show! This WOD was tough!

    I did 10 rds, plus 7 SQ Cleans and 7 Burpees.

    Again, I am sorry. 🙁

  4. Michel

    Good one Lesley-free pass! I was so glad to see everyone who was there but missed Jimmy and Carmen and the rest of the crew. Can't wait to be back on Monday. THANKS ERIN!! I will walking lunge in style girl!! And deadlift the diploma – which for me will be a PR. And Angie – you rock girl!

  5. Rhonda G

    10 rounds + 7 squat cleans and 7 burpees
    10 # squat cleans
    1/2" band PLU

    Wow!! that was a tough one. Great job group 1 and 2 this morning and especially to group 2 for hanging around after watching group 1! ..HeHe

    Love the name!

  6. Angela

    8 rounds + 7 PLU & 1 DB SQT
    10# DB SQT
    1.5" PLU

    Very tough WOD, way harder than it read. I agree with Lesley, too…Jimmy, you do get a free pass for over-sleeping.

    Nice to see all the 530s this morning and awesome to be back WODin w/ the 630s. Extra nice hanging around and chatting with Rhonda while we cheered on Jimmy & Erin (sorry we're not very enthusiastic cheerleaders).

    Michel, rock that stage tomorrow! Runners, see you in the morning.

  7. Susan

    Congratulations Michel! You are my hero! I cannot imagine going back to college to finish a degree. I could not have done it.

    7 rounds +DBSQ +Burpees +4PLU so close to 8 rounds….

    rounds 1-3 20#DBSQ; rounds 4-8 10#DBSQ

    The DBSQ technique really threw me. My brain and body were out of sync.

    See you tomorrow at the Jingle Bell Run. I'll be the one with antlers……lol