75 Power Snatches (75/50)
For Time
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Compare to 07 JUN 10
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Run, Row, Bike, Swim
20 x 20 sec work/20 sec rest
ALL OUT EFORT each interval!
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12:45 45lbs
8.33 Rx
(More clean/jerk or PP than power snatch)
really need to work on form!!
Great job, Susan! And congrats Robert on your PR this morning!
10:47, Rx
5:36 rx. Nice pr tarnished however by acting like an insane person. Sorry,guys.Here is my prayer:
As I lay me down to sleep,
I pray that my temper I keep.
And if I act real dumb and slurpy
I will do 100 burpees
5:11 rx good to see Carmen and Michel
*Front squat.
7:38 Rx PR
6:45 32 lb
Thanks 5:30 PM group!!
7:18 30#