Friday, 05 November 2010

“Filthy Fifty”

50 Box Jumps (24/20)
50 Jumping Pull-ups
50 Kettlebell Swings (1 pood)
50 Walking Lunges
50 Knee-to-Elbows
50 Push Press (45/30)
50 Back Extension
50 Wall-Ball Shots (20/12)
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders

For Time

Post time to comments

Compare to 21 JUL 10
15 Responses
  1. Ginny

    No way I can make 4:30…Going to Elton and Leon tonight, so will pop in to the festivities tonight before we go! Everyone enjoy the rainy friday!

  2. Carmen

    35:30 thru back extensions, DNF WB, Burp, DU
    (Relatively)fun trying!
    Great job to all and enjoy your evening tabata!

  3. Michel

    14" Box Jumps
    32 lb PP
    25 lb KBS
    8 lb WBS
    SU for K2E
    Thanks Jimmy!Working on form and unbroken as much as possible so time was better today. Not really a PR time wise, but form for sure. Great job everyone!! Carmen, will miss you tonight! Have a ball and wear your electric boots and mohair suit! El Guapo tonight at 7:30!

  4. Rhonda G

    34:33 Mod

    17" Box
    25# KBS
    8# WB
    150 Sit Ups Unachored – (100 unbroken! That was exciting!)
    150 Singles
    I survived – WOOT!

  5. Angela

    43:33…PR by 8:07!!! (July was 51:40) Woo-hoo!
    14" Box Jumps
    1 Pood, but did Russian
    SU for K2E
    Rx PP
    8# WBS
    150 Singles
    All my mods were the same as July 21 except I moved from 30# KBS to 1 pood RKBS.

    Great job, everyone! Filthy Fifty is TOUGH! Hope to see all tonight at El Guapo!!

  6. Lesley

    36-something (Incomplete) Mod: Situps & Singles.

    Didn't 'get' to do burpees b/c I had to get to work. Can't find my time from July, but had less modifications.

    Looking forward to seeing everyone tonight!

  7. erin

    Couldn't do filthy 50 cuz o time constraints :-/ soooooooo I did a wod from Crossfit flatirons in Boulder:
    3 rds
    500 m row
    20 kbs (30lbs)
    run 500
    : 18:59 rx
    ready to wear my margarita- drinking pants 🙂

  8. Susan

    35.33 modified

    17"-> 10" box jumps. (i lost my confidence)
    Rx KBS
    Rx WBS
    Rx PP
    150 situps

    All you concert goers tell Elton and Leon to come join us for tabata El Guapo!!