Tuesday, 03 August 2010

Choose your WOD, 1 or 2:

WOD 1:
Power Cleans
3 rep max

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Compare to 04 MAY 10

WOD 2:
20 Burpeees

5 rounds of:
5 Overhead Squats (95/65)
10 Burpees

20 Burpees

For Time

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CFE WOD (3+ hours after the a main WOD):

Choose a sport:
Run, Row, Bike, Swim

Run: 4 x 400m, 4 min rest
Row: 4 x 500m, 4 min rest
Bike: 3 x 3k, 4 min rest
Swim: 5 x 75m/y, 2 min rest

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8 Responses
  1. Lesley

    14:41, 35 lbs. My knees have bruises from 2 days of burpees! You burpee challenge guys must have some calloused knees!

  2. MP Jimmy

    Did running CFE WOD with Erin, Danny, and Lawson. Lawson is a friend of Danny's thinking about CF!

    Sprint time was 5:36. Oh, and the heat at 1630 really SUCKED!!!

  3. erin

    Did a Robert inspired wod:
    5×5 ohs (65)
    5x3power cleans(75)
    5×10 kbs single arm ohs (like snatch land ) (10)
    then 9:23 for cfe ………… Whew good night!!!