Monday, 02 August 2010

For Time:

20 Burpees
30 Tire Jumps (28/24″)
25 Burpees
50 Sit-ups
25 Burpees
30 Double Unders
20 Burpees

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14 Responses
  1. Robert

    10:40 Rx + 4 burpees so done with the challenge for the day.

    Lesley, hoppin' the big tire…congratulations!

  2. Lesley

    16:39, singles and mostly 24" tire. Robert & Danny made me jump the 24" tire..thanks for the encouragement and tips, guys! Such fun sharing in the end of the burpee challenge. 🙂

  3. MP Jimmy

    9:32 RX

    Congratulations to Lesley, Saturday she did her first RX PLU's. She then went on to do a couple of sets of 3! AWESOME job!!

    Burpee Challenge almost over, Yehaw!!

  4. erin

    14:39 rx trying o get my Jedi force strong with burpees and I think there is a glich in the force. Great jib today guys ; get ready 5:30 pm class your gonna wod in hells oven!

  5. Amber

    Stacy says……
    19:19 singles
    Definitely hot out there. The 5:30 pm'ers would have no problem with the heat at the Hell's Half Acre regionals! I recommend working out with us if you plan on attending that event!

  6. Ginny

    Wish I could get there…back is feeling some better, but now I have no bathroom…it's gutted and now getting pretty;)!!! Hopefully 2 more weeks then try to come back in some way, shape or form….ugh,,it's gonna be awful in the heat and being injured and doing NOTHING! Please have mercy!