Saturday, 05 June 2010


50-40-30-20-10 rep rounds of:

Double Unders

For Time

Post time to comments

Compare to 27 APR 10

CFE WOD (3+ hours before or after main WOD):

Choose a sport:
Run, Row, Bike, Swim

4 x 2 minute sprint, followed by 2 min rest
4 x 1 minute Sprint, followed by 1 min rest

6 Responses
  1. Michel

    AMAZING MORNING! Great to hang with the Honeymooners – Coby and Deborah – Robert and Jimmy. PR's of all kinds all over the place! Thanks guys for the support and encouragement as I spilled on the 20" box jumps. I lost some skin but it will grow back. Robert and Jimmy took Annie to new highs!!! Well done!

    Did Friday's work out, MOD, 25:33 includes 5 minute "bit it big time" break:
    17" Box Jumps
    95 # DL

    Danny, we missed you and see you soon!! Have a great rest of the weekend all!

  2. Robert

    Michel….amazing performance to continue after the spill. I admire you courage and heart. Great work!

    5:11 Rx PR by 28 seconds but anchored and abmat(90% of the time–abmat moved out from under me on the 40s but if you think I was stopping to adjust an abmat as I was trying to catch Jimmy you are crazy!).

    Abby, you should take pictures for Sports Illustrated. What a picture. I need to get some copies of this one to hang in my office with the caption "This is what your doctor does for fun."

    Funny…that picture captures exactly how I was feeling at the time.

  3. MP Jimmy

    4:54 PR!! (only by 8 seconds, not 28, but a PR the same)

    AWESOME morning! Michele, I second Robert's comments! I am so proud of you for conquering the WOD. Never smell the fear again!

    Denton's, Strong Work!

    There are now more PLU stations!

    See you all monday morning. 🙂