Monday, 17 May 2010


Row 1000m
100 Sledge Swings (10/8)
75 Push-ups
50 Kettlebell Swings (1 pood/25lbs)
25 Pull-ups
…then reverse it!!

For Time

Post time to comments

Compare to 21 JAN 09
17 Responses
  1. patricelott

    Well, I'm in Kalamazoo. The closest CrossFit gym is 1 hour away. I still keeping my the burpees, blackjack, etc. I'll be back Thursday.

  2. Danny

    Melanie said…

    39:37/knee pu/skinny band for plu.
    Today was fun! Great job everyone! See you soon, Patrice!

  3. Michel

    So great to be back and the gym was hopping with CF mojo and new faces and energy!! Never done Riddick, and 06:30 was looking mighty fine doing the husky young lumberjack thing. Great work everyone!
    Run 800 and Row 1000
    Knee PU
    1 1/2 PLU

  4. Susan

    Run 800/kneePU/1.5"band PLU/25"KBS/8#sledge/1000m row and….2 Aleve every 8 hours for the next 24 hrs.

    Welcome to the new BootCamp crew. You've taken that 1st step. Congratulations!! Don't get discouraged. Just finish.

    John, Patrice and I will soon have our 2nd MPCF anniversary!! and I still can't do a real PLU….but I will some day.

    Hey Patrice! that was me on Saturday yelling at you from my truck as I drove by you!

    My unsolicited advice of today: take a pain reliever before you go to bed. you will be sore in the morning.

  5. Coby

    I echo Susan's sentiments.
    banded plu, modified PU.
    substitute Advil for Aleve and start early.

  6. Anne

    18:28 ~ modified one-way Riddick (Row 500m;50 Sledge Swings (8);50 Push-ups; 25 Kettlebell Swings (10lbs); attempted PLU, switched to 50 SU). Ginna you are a rock star! Thanks Jimmy for working with me!

  7. MP Jimmy

    30:32 RX

    I can say that over the past year at Fort Sill, my cardio-respritory is what has diminished the most.

    Great job Danny and Robert, you beat me today. I would be lying if I said that did not matter! 🙂 Keep up the work!

    Welcome to the new campers! You will have an awesome time! (once the soreness wears off!! 🙂

  8. Rhonda G

    This is KILLING me!! I have my doctor's appt tomorrow. Hopefully soon I will be doing WOD's with all my MPCF buds.

    Great Work Everyone!! I can feel your pain %-)..and this sounds really weird, but I miss it!

  9. Robert

    29:30 Rx–I am so happy to have a crowded CF gym! More people the better! This was very fun and yet another workout I have never done.

    Danny–great work–you push me every day and I appreciate that.

    Jimmy, remember you are why I am where I am today–thank you.

  10. Ginny

    43:35 1 1/2 inch band for pullups..pushups need work but all RX'd. Sledge hammer swings are kinda fun!!

  11. erin

    38:16 ( with run instead of row, wanted to soak up this lovely weather while it lasted 😉