Take the 2025 Judges course!
Partner WOD
250m Row/250m Ski/600m Bike/200m Run*
4 Bar muscle-ups
6 Front squats (135/95)
8 Shoulder to overhead (135/95)
8 Rounds for time; partners alternate whole rounds
*Athletes can choose any combination, do NOT have to do all, or can stick with the same monostructural piece throughout
Post results and experiences to comments
Sape: 24:29 Rx
Partnered with Kyle
Bike, Row, Row, Run
Mod burpee PLU
53# FSQ/S2OH
30:16 mod
Jason was my partner
Row everytime
RR #53 squat to 16in box harder to keep my elbows up.
Jason did row,row,ski,ski
Banded pu 75#
Partnered with Annie. She PUSHED me!
Rowed all rounds
Green/blue band PU w/BU