Register now for the 2025 CrossFit Games Open!
Take the 2025 Judges course!
Partner WOD*
Part 1:
100 Double unders
10 Wall-walks
20 Handstand push-ups
30 Toes-to-bar
For time
*Each partner must perform half of the reps before switching out with a partner for each exercise.
I.E., A does 50 DU, B does 50 DU, A does 5 WW, B does 5 WW,…
…Rest 3:00, then…
Part 2: (Partner)
10 Clusters (135/93)
20 GHD sit-ups
30 Calories biked
3 rounds for time
Partners perform equal work with one at a time working
Post results and experiences to comments
Partnered with Kile:
7:41 Rx
26:41 Rx
Great WOD! Kile “loved” the double under! 😆😆