Friday, 20 December 2024

Christmas week schedule: Monday—regular hours, Tuesday—no 1730 class, Wednesday and Thursday—closed, and Friday—regular hours.



Partner WOD*

Part 1:

100 Double unders

10 Wall-walks

20 Handstand push-ups

30 Toes to bar


For time

*Each partner must perform half of the reps before switching out with partner, for each exercise.

I.E. A does 50 DU, B does 50 DU, A does 5 WW, B does 5 WW,…


…Rest 3:00, then…


Part 2: (Partner)

10 Blusters* (2 x 50/35)

20 GHD sit-ups

30 Calories biked


3 rounds for time

Partners perform equal work with one at a time working

*Blusters equal one burpee plus one double dumbbell cluster



Post results and experiences to comments

1 Response
  1. Anniee wolfe

    Partnered w/ Justin

    UB double unders, struggled w/ HSPU, T2B was 5/5/3/2. Overall glad i was Able to keep up because of the HSPU!