The Christmas Party is TONIGHT at 1800. Bring your friends and family!
Every minute on the minute, for 8 minutes, complete:
Odd minutes: 10 Kip swings holding a yoga block between feet
Even minutes: 5 Strict pull-ups
For quality
10 Single arm dumbbell clusters (50/35) (right)
25-ft Single dumbbell overhead walking lunges (right)
10 Box jumps (30/24″)
10 Single arm dumbbell clusters (50/35) (left)
25-ft Single dumbbell overhead walking lunges (left)
10 Chest to bar pull-ups
5 Rounds for time
(30:00 cap)
Post results and experiences to comments
31:05 I thinkā¦ RX
A for effort kind of day. Wanted to quit so bad, everything felt heavy
Modified to put DB in between feet instead of outside. Outside was hard on my lower back.