Partner WOD*
Every minute on the minute for 30 minutes, perform the following:
Minute 1: Max calories biked
Minute 2: Max pullovers
Minute 3: Max ring dips
Minute 4: Max walking lunges (2 x 50/35)*
Minute 5: Max handstand walk*
Minute 6: Max double unders
For score
*Partner A works for 30 seconds, then Partner B works for 30 seconds every minute at each station. Lunges and HSW are worth 1 point for each 5-ft.
Post results and experiences to comments
266- banded ring dips
Better on HS walks today..but DU’s were off🤷🏼♀️
859 Rx
Fun WOD! I feel like Ron in this pic though. That was tough! 😂
Partnered with Mindy
Mod pullovers
Blue band ring dips
20# DB lunges
Dubs are getting better! Getting bigger sets even when fatigued.
569 partner: John Boone
*Did not get a single pull over
Used skinny red band for RD