Monday, 15 July 2024


2024 Fall Festivus Games WOD 2

Partner WOD

45 Alternating dumbbell snatches (50/35)

35 Plate hop burpees (45/25)

25 Squats

15 Hanging knee raises

5 Around the worlds, toes on box (20″)

For time*

(12-minute cap)

*EMOM, partners stop performing exercises and immediately perform 6 Med ball pass sit-ups (20/14)


With a 2:30 clock, perform…

10 Overhead squats*

4 sets for max load

*Each set, increase load, building to a heavy 10-rep

Post results and experiences to comments

5 Responses
  1. Jimmy Ellis

    Partnered with Kile:
    7:46 Rx

    105-125-145-165 (successful on all)

    Core accessory:
    Death by…
    0:15 Hollow hold
    1 V-up (add 1 v-up every minute until unable to complete reps)

    Was successful through minute 12…ugh!!