Monday, 08 July 2024

Conditioning 1:

2024 Fall Festivus Games WOD 1

Partner WOD

2-minute AMRAP* of:

Power Cleans (135/93)

Kettlebell goblet hold (53/35)

…rest 1-minute, then…

2-minute AMRAP* of:

Kettlebell sumo deadlift (53/35)

Overhead plate hold (45/25)

…rest 1-minute, then…

2-minute AMRAP* of:

Single-arm kettlebell push press (53/35)

Deadlift hold (135/93)

For scores

*While one partner performs the appropriate hold, the other partner performs max reps of the specified lift

…Rest 10:00, then…

Conditioning 2:

2024 Fall Festivus Games WOD 4:

Partner WOD

Max Synchro Thrusters*

4 rounds of 0:30 work/0:90 rest

For score**

*Each athlete chooses his/her own weight. The same load MUST be used for all 4 rounds.

**Score is load x reps for each athlete, and then partner totals added together for final score.

Post results and experiences to comments

7 Responses
  1. Michelle Milstead

    Partnered with Steve/Sarah shadowed

    CWOD 1
    I did 53# barbell and used 25# KB for the Push Press

    53# me
    63# Steve
    11, 12, 11, 10


  2. Jimmy Ellis

    3 position (6”-parallel-below parallel) Back Squats @ 225-225-255-255-255 E2MOM
    EMOM 1 BSQ @ 295 x 5 rounds

    CWOD 1:
    Partnered with Kile
    34 Rx
    94 Rx
    48 Rx

    CWOD 2:
    Kile @ 60#
    Me @ 75# (I could have done 80-85 and kept same pace)