Wednesday, 19 June 2024


Rogue Cliffhanger Challenge*

Max hang from pull-up bar

For time

*Click this link if you want to register for the challenge and get a t-shirt for the challenge.


Every 90-seconds perform the following until failure:

40 Double unders

1 Snatch*

For load and score

*Start at ~65% 1-RM. Each round add (10/5). Once you fail, perform max rep deadlifts until the end of the 90 seconds.

Post results and experiences to comments

7 Responses
  1. M. York

    11 rounds
    I did single unders this time

    Went for 140#
    Was so close!!!
    Knee is feeling better.

  2. Sarah Flynn

    108# in 6 sets
    Power snatched the whole time. I think I could have gotten heavier if I squat snatched early on. But I was ok happy with this, especially since I haven’t snatched in a bit. DU felt great! This was a fun setup.

  3. Michelle Milstead

    68# in 8 sets +10 DL
    90% 1RM

    I only did 20 dubs each round but they felt good tonight and I managed to get larger sets.

    My form on the snatches wasn’t great but they felt pretty good. I failed one attempt at 63#.

  4. Jimmy Ellis

    Success at 175# snatch, which is a post-surgery PR (103%)
    Failed at 185, got 11 DL
    Rx with dubs

  5. Jimmy Ellis

    Ranking of the Cliffhanger Challenge:
    1. Steve – 2:09
    2. Brian – 2:07
    3. Kile – 1:57
    4. Michelle – 1:41
    5. Jimmy – 1:32
    6. Kylee – 1:30
    7. Mindy – 1:29 (T)
    Wade – 1:29 (T)
    9. Justin – 1:20
    10. Anniee – 1:13
    11. Ryan P. – 1:05
    12. Alex – 1:02
    13. Vernice – 1:00 (T)
    Megan Y. – 1:00 (T)
    15. John G. – 0:46
    16. Daniel – 0:44
    17. Coby – 0:36
    18. Cathe – 0:25
    19. Sandy – 0:10
    20. Crystal – 0:08

    Congratulations to all the participants of the Cliffhanger Challenge! Your dedication and hard work are commendable.