Memorial Day crew! Strong work everyone!
We are excited to announce our NEW website launching this Thursday!
As many reps as possible in 12-minutes:
1 Wall walks
2 Shuttle runs (25-ft down and back = 1)
For score*
*Add 1 wall walk and 2 shuttle runs to every round…. 1,2,2,4,3,6,4,8,5,10…
Strict press + push press
5 Strict press + 5 push press @ 60% of 1-rm strict press
4 Strict press + 4 push press @ 70% of 1-rm strict press
3 Strict press + 3 push press @ 80% of 1-rm strict press
2 Strict press + 2 push press @ 85% of 1-rm strict press
1 Strict press + max set* push press @ 90% of 1-rm strict press
For quality and score of max push press
*Non-stop unbroken
Post results and experiences to comments
Conditioning: 55 (6 WW + 4.5 shuttle)
Strength: 10 reps @93#
Probably should have tried for a few more reps. Noting this for next time.