Join us on Memorial Day, May 27, at 0900. There will be a potluck BBQ after the WOD.
Friends and family are welcome to WOD and/or eat!
Partner WOD
150′-100′-50′ Handstand walk
20-16-12 Clean and jerk (135/93)
16-12-8 Ring dips
For time
(18:00 cap)
…Rest 4-minutes* then…
10 Deadlifts (315/213)
20 Slammers (20/14)@(2m)
30 Calories biked
3 rounds for time
*If athlete completes first triplet in under 18 minutes, they get additional rest until the 22-minute mark
Post results and experiences to comments
With Coach:
13:06 I did 93# for first set but then dropped to 83#. HSW and RDs felt good though.
10:24 14# WB hurt elbow so dropped to 8#.
Ugh having these tweaks SUCKS but I will play it safe.