Wednesday, 21 February 2024

Ladies of Galantine’s 2024!

Join us Friday, 23 February for a FREE class!

No experience is needed! Everyone is welcome!

Register HERE for the 2024 CrossFit Open!

Take the Judges Course HERE!



Overhead Squat

5 reps @ 30%

5 reps @ 45%

5 reps @ 60%

5 reps @ 70%

5 reps @ 80%


For quality

(each set performed on a 2:00 clock)



Complete as any reps as possible in 7-minutes of:

4 Double dumbbell thrusters (2×50/35)

6 Toes-to-bar

24 Double unders


…rest 4-minutes, then…


Complete as any reps as possible in 7-minutes of:

50-ft Double dumbbell front rack walking lunges (2×50/35)

9 Box jumps (24/20″)

3 Strict handstand push-ups



Post results and experiences to comments

2 Responses
  1. White Ape

    Got 5 at 155, but only 4.5 at 175. I went a little heavier than my 80%, but was happy with the work!

    240 reps Rx on AMRAP 1 (7 rounds +2 thrusters)
    66 reps Rx on AMRAP 2 (3 rounds)

    My pace felt good on the first AMRAP, and I did all thrusters, all T2B, and all dubs UB!
    The lunges got toasty. did all 3 rounds of SHSPU UB. Lunges of rounds 1 & 3 were UB, but in rd 2 I tried holding the DBs lower and I had to put them down at the turn.

  2. Henry Smith

    Did on Thursday.

    Swod- worked up to 180 but only got 2 reps there

    Part 1- 4 rounds + 3 reps
    Part 2- just did 1 round. Went slow took 3:30. Lunges and box jumps didn’t feel good on knees.