Saturday, 03 February 2024


Join us on Saturday, 03 February for a FREE class!

No experience is needed! Everyone is welcome!

Register HERE for the 2024 CrossFit Open!

Take the Judges Course HERE!



For max reps,  1-minute work at each station, 1-minute transition:

Rope climbs (13-ft)

D-ball cleans (100/70)

Overhead squats (125/83)

Calories rowed

Double dumbbell shoulder to overhead (2 x 50/35)

2:00 Rest


3 Rounds for total reps



Post results and experiences to comments

5 Responses
  1. sflynn

    At home:
    Modified strict pull-ups for RCs: 11,11,10
    100# sandbag to shoulder: 7,7,7
    OHS Rx: 10,13,14
    Row: 15,15,15
    DB STOH: 18,20,23

    T: 196 modified

    This was steady movement. Still spicy though!!