Tuesday, 09 January 2023

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CrossFit Games Open WOD 14.1

As many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of the following:

30 Double-unders

15 Power snatches (75/53)


For score

Compare to Saturday, 01 March 2014


…Rest 6-minutes and then…


Every minute on the minute, for 8 minutes, complete the following:

Odd minutes: 15 V-ups

Even minutes: One max set unbroken toes-to-bar


For score



Post results and experiences to comments

10 Responses
  1. Amber Burkhart

    216 Rx
    Don’t remember doing this one in 2014, so didn’t know what to expect.
    Those snatches were sneaky

    Did muscle snatches, they seemed to be faster.
    Would have liked all my DUs to be unbroken. Had to pause and fix my hair a few times.

    1. Christie Spears

      Single Unders
      32 lbs power snatch

      28 leg raises
      3rd and 4th round of v ups had to switch to half tacos.
      Let’s get better at v ups

  2. White Ape

    313 Rx
    Focused on maintaining a steady pace from start to finish. Did WOD as one round every 90-seconds, and then whatever I could get in last minute. Paced out each round (1:17,1:13,1:15,1:16,1:20,1:21,2 reps shy of complete round in last minute). Thank you Coach Sarah for instructing me to focus on my weakness of being able to start slower and maintaining a smooth and solid pace!

    EMOM sucked!!! Abs will fill that this week!