Wednesday, 18 October 2023

Congratulation to MP’s Justin Carpenter and Brian Flynn for competing at Midwest Fall Classic! Ape Strong!

Join us this Friday, October 20th for FREE at any class time!

No fitness experience needed!

Support Veteran’s Mental Health Initiatives by donating to the

Chad 1000x Fundraiser


Partner WOD*

50 Double dumbbell box step overs (2 x 35/25)(24/20″) (Partner must hang from rig while other partner works)

50 Wall ball shots (20/14)(10/9′)(Partner must hold both dumbbells in suitcase hold while other partner works)

50 Double dumbbell hang clean and jerks (5 pull-ups from each athlete every time you break)

50 Double dumbbell deadlifts (5 pull-ups from each athlete every time you break)

20 Single-arm devil press (5 pull-ups from each athlete every time you break)


For time

(20-minute cap)


….Immediately into….


3:00 Max reps bar muscle ups (2 points each) or max reps burpee pull-ups (1 point each)

*Partners may split reps in the chipper and in the 3:00 max reps however they choose.


…Rest 5:00 and then…


In same partner group, perform

5-minute max calories biked


For score



Post results and experiences to comments

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