Join us this Saturday, September 23 at 0900 for a FREE workout!
Everyone is invited and no fitness experience is needed!
Click the link below to register to compete or volunteer at:
Festivus Games October 2023
Conditioning 1:
100m “Rowling”*
Penalty burpees
1:00 Rest
5 Rounds
(10:00 cap)
*Rowling is a skill game of trying to get the monitor to land exactly on 100m each round. The number of meters you are over or under the 100m mark is the number of penalty burpees the athlete must complete (max of 5 penalty burpees each round).
Conditioning 2:
20 Burpee box overs (24/20″)
15 Calories row/ski*
10 Alternating dumbbell snatches (70/50)
2 rounds for time
…rest until 10:00 mark, then…
10 Alternating dumbbell snatches (70/50)
15 Calories row/ski*
20 Burpee box overs (24/20″)
2 rounds for time
(12:00 cap)
*one round row, one round ski or bike
Post results and experiences to comments
Rowling 12
7:48 Rx
8:20 Rx
Rowling – 12
Cap on first round 10:14
Second round 11:42
22 minutes of burpees was fun…
Haha! NOT a personal attack on Henry. I promise. 😉
Rowing 18. That was fun.
These: not so much.
9 burpees / 1 perfect score
7:29 Rx
8:35 Rx
Very toasty WOD!
Rowling: 12/ 1 perfect score it was super fun.
cwod: 10:29 mod
12:23 mod