Saturday, 16 September 2023

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Festivus Games October 2023



Midwest Fall Classic 2023 WOD 3 “Twice is Nice”

Partner WOD

30 Deadlifts (275/203)

40 Shoulder to overhead (135/93)

50 Wall ball shots (25/20)@(10/9′)

100 Double-unders


2 Rounds for time

(15:00 cap)


…Rest until the 16:00 mark immediately into…

2:00 Max reps snatches (185/123)


For score



Post results and experiences to comments

1 Response
  1. sflynn

    “Wait This isn’t Masters” 🙂
    With Becca!
    14:38 Rx
    Becca got 3 snatches for us, I failed 3-4 attempts. Got under it but need to wait longer on pull! Considering this is 2# under my 1-rep max, Im proud of my attempts!