Monday, 07 August 2023

Join us this Saturday, 12 August, at 0900 for FREE!

No fitness experience is needed!



10 Tire flips (325/210)

25 Chest-to-bar pull-ups

50 Toes-to-bar

100 Wall-ball shots (20/14) @ (10/9′)

50 Toes-to-bar

25 Chest-to-bar pull-ups

10 Tire flips


For time


WOD inspired by the 2023 CrossFit Games “Test 2”

*Games athletes had a 18-minute cap, and did Pig flips @ (510/385) instead of tire flips



Post results and experiences to comments

5 Responses
  1. Amber Burkhart

    Was doing Rx then switched to GHD sit-ups on my second set of T2B to protect my hands from ripping

  2. Anniee

    25:53 RX
    still struggle w/ getting 5 reps consistently on C2B & T2B. had to move to singles fairly early on.

  3. Crystal Stine

    25:33 mod #170 tire, #8 wall ball. did ring rows and sit ups. got to last set of ring rows did 2.