Saturday, 22 July 2023



As many reps as possible in 3 minutes of the following:

8 Strict pull-ups

12 Dumbbell floor press (2 x 50/35)

Max calories biked in remaining time

3:00 Rest


5 Rounds for total score



Post results and experiences to comments

4 Responses
  1. sflynn

    119 Rx
    Pull-ups done in 2 sets, except last round did 3 sets
    26, 27, 25, 22, 19

    That was a lot of biking. 😛

    1. sflynn

      You did great Anniee! That was so fun WODn with you! You pushed me on those SPLU and DBs.
      Gosh that bike is awful isn’t it?!