Wednesday, 21 June 2023

Power outage update:
Power is still out at the gym. Here are the two plans moving forward…

Option 1 – Power restored:
Once power is restored, the following day will be as normal.

Option 2 – Power remains out til Saturday:
Wednesday-0845,noon,1730 classes only
Friday-0845,noon,1730 classes only
Saturday-Murph at 0900

With option 2 be advised there is NO ELECTRICITY (which means only one fan on a generator) and no water provided.


Join us this Friday, 23 June, at any class time for FREE!

No fitness experience needed!



Partner WOD


In 6-minutes perform run for time and rest:

800m run (together)


Complete as many alternating rounds as possible in 10-minutes of:

3 Bar muscle-ups

6 Toes-to-bar

12 Wall-ball shots (20/14) @ (10/9′)



Perform 1 complex every 90 seconds of:

Clean & Jerk ⇒ Hang Clean & Jerk

Start at 30% of your C & J, increase by 10% until failure



Post results and experiences to comments

3 Responses
  1. sflynn

    4:06 800m
    214 S: Rx J: mod 4 CTB
    complex 135# failed the hang at 145# because bar slipped out of my hands. I know I can get that weight!
    Was able to connect all 3 BMU right into the TTB all rounds so was happy about that!

  2. Crystal Stine

    Mindy was my partner I finish 3 rounds and Mindy got into the 4th round. Jog walk to 400m jogged to driveway. 4:06 ring rows and sit ups did 10 8lb wb shots getting deeper in the squats.
    Set pr on hang clean and jerk 73lb.