Wednesday, 07 June 2023

Join us this Friday, 09 June, at any class time for FREE!

No fitness experience needed!



Partner WOD*

400m Ski

20 Wall-walks

30 Hang power cleans (95/63)

1000m Row

40 Toes-to-bar

50 Burpees-over-bar

200 Double unders

60 Kettlebell swings (53/35)

60 Sit-ups

2000m Bike

50m Plate overhead walking lunges (45/35)

40 Pull-ups

1000m Row

30 Hang power snatches (95/63)

20 Devil presses (2×50/35)

400m Ski


For time

(40:00 cap)

*All movements require equal work



Post results and experiences to comments

4 Responses
  1. White Ape

    Teamed with Kile
    40:28 rx cap
    43:34 rx actually completed

    That was a great long WOD! needed to speed up some transitions to make the cap.

  2. Crystal Stine

    42:26 cap Missy was my partner. I had to mod . Mod wall walk sit up instead of toe touch.

  3. Missy Orta

    Team Crystal/Missy
    32 lb cleans, practiced rhythm working toward toes to bar, 15 lb plate for lunges.