Saturday, 03 June 2023


Partner WOD, equal work

3000m Bike

…immediately into…

6 Rounds (partners alternate rounds) of:

12 Deadlifts (155/103)

9 Hang power cleans

6 Shoulder-to-overhead



2000m Row

…immediately into…

4 Rounds (partners alternate rounds) of:

12 Deadlifts (155/103)

9 Hang power cleans

6 Shoulder-to-overhead


…finally sell-out with…

100 Double-unders


For time

(30:00 cap)



Post results and experiences to comments

3 Responses
  1. sflynn

    Solo version (half reps)
    19:34 Rx
    Was able to keep all DT rounds in:
    11/1, 8/1, 6
    STOH felt strong today!