Friday, 26 May 2023

Join us this Memorial Day, 29 May, for our annual Hero WOD and potluck!



0:30 Wall-facing handstand hold (nose and toes)

0:30 Rest

0:30 Hollow hold

0:30 Rest


5 Sets for quality



Partner WOD

As many reps as possible in 3:00 of the following:

75 Double-unders (each partner, at the same time)

50′ Handstand walk (each partner, at the same time)

Max reps deadlifts* (275/183) (approximate equal work, one working at a time)

*Repeat AMRAP until you reach 75 deadlifts

1:00 Rest between rounds


For time

(19:00 cap, 5 rounds)



Post results and experiences to comments

9 Responses
    1. Kim Owens

      I did 50’ bear crawls and 83#
      Plus 10 burpees as I dropped the 33# bar with no weights. Slipped out of my sweaty hands. Lol.

  1. megancyork

    14:28 Rx weight mod 50 dubs and 3 wall walks

    The wall facing holds felt good minus a VERY irritated trap so I modified to one less wall walk. Smart choice!

    183 felt LIGHT! I’m so impressed with my strength gains over the last year. I’m a bigger body but still do really well with gymnastics movements and can move weight. Picking back up endurance and it doesn’t feel miserable. All that to say EAT THE FOOD AND LIFT THE WEIGHT!

  2. Sandy

    Partnered with Anniee and finished 14:28 75 DLs @ 133#
    Worked WW while she got her 4 WW. Good WOD, felt great to move the bar! I probably could’ve done a heavier DL but coming back from a week off, I thought a lesser weight might be better to finish the WOD.

  3. sflynn

    10:56 with Coach
    I modified 50 DU each round (taking it easy on my foot)
    Coach mod 30 shoulder taps each round
    This setup was spicy!!

    1. White Ape

      What she said. Broke the DL’s up 5/4/3 each round. I did two extra on round 2, and Sarah did 1 extra in the 3rd.

      Fun WOD!!

  4. Crystal Stine

    Mindy was my partner. Time was 14:43
    I did singles on the jump rope. They were the hardest. Longest run was 20 at a time. Did 3 mod wall walks a time.
    Dead lift 85#