Join us this Saturday, 13 May 2023 at 0900 for a free trial class!
No CrossFit experience needed!!
Partner WOD, equal work required
60 Calories biked
20 Strict handstand push-ups
60 Calories rowed
30 Dumbbell snatches (70/50)
60 Calories skied
40 Burpee box jump overs (24/20)
2 Rounds for time
(30:00 time cap)
Post results and experiences to comments
Partner with Robert
20 DB snatches
16”box jumps
Partnered with Michelle!
Capped at 30 + 270
24″box hspu
30# db snatches
20″ box step overs
34:30 thank you for helping with the math Jimmy
Math is hard
31:52 cap with Coach
Me Rx, Jimmy mod HSPU
Finished at 37:23