Tuesday, 21 February 2023

Join us this Friday, 24 February for a FREE drop in at any class time!

No experience needed

Don’t forget to sign-up for Saturday’s Open WOD 23.2!



250m Row

25 Double-unders (must be unbroken for Rx)

25 Single-unders (must be unbroken for Rx)


5 Rounds for time

(13:00 cap)


Accessory Work:

10 Back squats @ 45-50% 1-Rm back squat

10 Dumbbell front rack good mornings at moderate weight

10 Double dumbbell box step ups at moderate weight

10 Double dumbbell seated calf raises at moderate weight


3 Rounds for quality



Post results and experiences to comments

5 Responses
  1. Henry Smith


    I went unbroken on the first four rounds. On round 5 I failed on the 25th Du two times and was very close to doing it a third time. Lol. First row was harder then I slowed to a 2:00 pace because I knew I would start to fail Du otherwise.

    135# bs
    25# good morning s
    25# step ups 20”
    50# calf raises.