Saturday, 31 December 2022

Join us TODAY for a FREE trial WOD!

No fitness experience needed. We can modify everything!

Class Monday, January 2nd is at 0900 ONLY. Happy New Year!




Partner WOD*

10 rounds of:

20 Calories row

23 Calories bike


For time

*Both partners can work simultaneously. However, each round must be completed before either partner moves on to next round. Calories can be broken up amongst the partners, and within the round as desired.



20-15-10-5 rep rounds of:


Strict handstand push-up


For time

(15:00 cap)



Post results and experiences to comments

7 Responses
  1. Brian Flynn

    At home….
    5rds 16:46

    11:48…. working on timing for T2B, most rounds sets of 5.
    HSPU 20(ab-mat) 15 (folded towel) 10 and 5 from ground.

  2. megancyork

    Partnered with Justin

    Idk our time. Not our best partner workout. Had to ski the whole time.

    5:04 modified due to shoulder pinch.

  3. Sandy

    Partnered with Lindsay – 22:55, didn’t ever get the chance to ski, it was taken every time we got to it.
    13:45 for skill work, I want my toes to reach the bar so I’m trying to work that progression a little more, getting my knees higher and closer to my chest. HSPU were so difficult, my arms were dead!