Friday, 16 December 2022

Wonderful Christmas party!! We loved having everyone who came, and missed all those who could not be here!!

Join us Saturday, December 17th, at 0900 for a FREE trial class!

No CrossFit experience needed!



15 Push jerks ( 95/63)

12 Chest to bar pull-ups

9 Sumo deadlift high pulls (95/63)


5 Rounds for time

(13:00 cap)



Overhead squat

8 @ 25% 1RM

6 @ 35%

5 @ 45%

4 @ 55%

3 @ 65%

2 @ 75%

2 @ 80%

1 @ 85%

1 @ 85%


For quality



Post results and experiences to comments

3 Responses