Friday, 07 October 2022

Join us tomorrow, Oct 8th, at 0900 for a FREE TRIAL class!

No fitness experience required!



Festivus Games 2022 WOD 2

“Everyone Loves to Clean. Barbells That Is.”

Max Tonnage Cleans

Team chooses weight.
Athletes alternate 1-minute rounds.


For max tonnage

The workout starts with 2 minutes to warm up to declared weight, then the athletes will rotate 1 minute work, 1 minute rest for 3 Rounds (Total of 6 minutes). Athletes alternate at each minute between working and resting. For M/F Teams, there will be two barbells at two weights.

Workout will begin with an unloaded empty barbell. Athletes have two minutes to load the barbell and warm-up. Athletes alternate at each minute between working and resting. For M/F Teams, there will be two barbells at two weights. Clips must be used.

Each weight must be a minimum of 45#/35#. Training bars, if available, may only be used for weights equal to or lesser than 60#/50#.

  MI / MN / MM – Will have a total of 240#, including the bar, available in the lane
  FI / FN / FM – Will have a total of 140#, including the bar, available in the lane

Score is number of reps completed x weight. Example: If the weight chosen was 95# and 115 total reps were completed, the score would be 95# x 115 = 10,925#.



Overhead squat

8 @ 25% 1RM

6 @ 35%

5 @ 45%

4 @ 55%

3 @ 65%

3 @ 75%

2 @ 80%

1 @ 85%

1 @ 85%

1 @ 85%

1 @ 85%



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