Friday, 30 September 2022

Join us today, Friday the 30th for a FREE class!

No experience needed! We have progressions for EVERYONE!

Vitality Shoulder Health Seminar TODAY, Friday the 30th at 1830. Open to public!



15 Squat cleans (115/78)

25′ Handstand walk

15 Chest to bar pullups

…Rest (or cap) until the clock reads 4:00 then…

10 Squat cleans (135/93)

25′ Handstand walk

15 Chest to bar pullups

…Rest (or cap) until the clock reads 8:00 then…

5 Squat cleans (185/123)

25′ Handstand walk

15 Chest to bar pullups

…Rest (or cap) until the clock reads 12:00 then…

3 Squat cleans (215/143)

25′ Handstand walk

15 Chest to bar pullups


For time*

(16:00 cap)

*Scaling options will be posted at gym


Skill/Assessory work:

Turkish Get-up

3 set of 10 (5 each side)

Increase load each set*


For loads


*athlete may only increase load each set if they are successful at previous set



Post results and experience to comments

5 Responses
  1. sflynn

    Kept my times per segment:
    2:37, 2:45, 3:06, 2:59
    Total combined work time: 11:27 Rx

    I love these WODs with built in time caps because it forces me to push harder.
    This WOD was a great mix of barbell and gymnastics! ❤️